
Tyrant Unleashed Optimizer powershell tools (English version)

In these days I play a lot of with Tyrant Unleashed hosted on Kongregate. The ingame resources are limited and I don't want to spend money on it, so the ingame missions needs a lot of efforts to complete. Usually it takes a lot of time to free to play players to acomplish a mission or an ingame goal. Luckily there are other people who involved in this problem so the Tyrant Unleashed Optimizer (TUO) was born. This software also needs some prerequisite to use it, like saving your cards deck into a text file. For this game and the TUO I have written some script listed below.
The original page was written in hungarian, so all the screenshots are hungarian as well. Only the scripts are in english.

Steps to save the JSON answer of postdata
You need Edge, Firefox or Chrome to play this game, I have tested them both, the results are the same. Don't even try under IE11, it won't work!
After starting the browser, navigate to the game and start the developer tools, where we need the network monitoring tool.
It is browser dependent how to reach it, now I show how to do this in Firefox.

  1. Pick the networking tool
  2. Write into the filter field api.php?message=init
  3. Click on the remaining row
  4. Choose the respond button
  5. From the Content field, copy the whole text (click inside, then ctrl+A - selects all, ctrl+C - copy to clipboard)
  6. Open a notepad (notepad.exe) and paste the text (ctrl+V)
  7. Finally save to TUO program DATA folder as json.txt

What it does
It makes the ownedcards.txt in TUO format and creates currentdecks.txt with your current decks.
Powershell 2, or better (tested in Powershell 2 and 5, please feel free to report bugs)
TUO data folder with updated XML files
Proper json.txt in the data folder
How to install
Unzip the script into the TUO data folder and unlock it if it is protected for your security.
How to use
First save the JSON answer from the postdata (see the instructions before). After that rightclick on the script file, choose the "Run with Powershell" from the popup and wait until it makes the ownedcards.txt file. From currentdesks.txt you can copy the content to the customdecks.txt and use them from there.
The script now adds the "-1" ending to the first level cards and collects the formerly salvaged, now restorable cards as well. Thanks to madsam2 for the changes.
The current version of the script has autoupdate feature (for proxy support, edit the proxy section of the script).

What it does
You can search for the fusion recipes of the cards you don't know.
Powershell 2, or better (tested in Powershell 2 and 5, please feel free to report bugs)
TUO data folder with updated XML files
How to install
Unzip the script into the TUO data folder and unlock it if it is protected for your security.
How to use
Rightclick on the script file, choose the "Run with Powershell" from the popup and wait until you get the welcome screen. After that you have to give the exact name of the card you search for.